Abuse on CELESTIAL beings

Brothers and sisters, we are at war with dark entities that seek to keep celestial beings asleep and in the darkness. Check out my video regarding the 144,000 Earth Angels if you still need to see it. I'll link it at the end of this post. In this, I discuss that the 144,000 are witness angels who witness the evils on this earth.

Witnessing angels is vital here— as we are to detect and report the evils of not only man but fallen angels.

Let's examine Jude. We'll start with verse four: "For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about a long time ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people who pervert the grace of Our God into a license of immorality and deny Jesus Christ, our only Sovereign and Lord."

Jude four allows one to see how specific dark individuals have plagued their way within God's people.

Next, let's examine verse eight. "In the very way, on the strength of their dreams, these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority, and heap abuse on celestial beings."

When we read these two verses, we see how our Father has foretold us and warned us about these dark entities. Specifically, it is how they heap abuse on celestial beings. You may be wondering how they do so. Well, let's examine.

In this day and age, how are modern-day prophets able to succeed? One might achieve Christ's consciousness through a heavy spiritual awakening and not know how to control these gifts. Where do they go? Psych-wards. Where they are given heavy, mind-alternating medications.

This Is abuse of celestial beings. God has not stopped talking to his people. Why is it that we cage modern-day prophets? Indeed, our Father is angry. We are silencing his messengers!

Trust and believe this will be dealt with

